Sheddies - Thanks for 2021 - Have a peaceful shedtime

Merry Christmas Sheddies

Sorry, been a bit lapse on the newsletter front, but many things have got in the way.

Currently, I'm writing this from my "shed" that is in isolation until Boxing Day - yes, covid has hit me (even after two jabs), like a lot of you.

Apart from that It's been a very eventful year, Sheddies

Who would have thought we would have had another year for the Lockdown Category for Shed of the year - let's hope we get back to some kind of shed normality next year.

We had some amazing finalists this year and a stylish winning shed with Creme De Menthe

A highlight for me was Sheds being on National TV again - ok a 5 minute segment on BBC one Show but after 15 years of putting my heart and soul into this thing - it's the wins like that which make it all worthwhile - to get the Shed of the year out there, which means more competition entries plus I can carry on doing this again for another year.

I'm looking to launch a ShedPod in 2022 - too late to jump on the podcast bandwagon? Maybe - but I hope to chat to interesting sheddies during the year - bookmark

I have a poll running at the moment, please take part, looking at shed trends for 2022

I look forward to seeing your sheds in 2020 and actually visiting some great sheds and maybe having a pint with you - due to covid I'm a few weeks behind on opening entry but as you are reading this - that means I will email you to Sign up for next year when entry is open - but tell your friends to sign up.

See you in 2022

Shed of the year is Sponsored by Cuprinol

AD - Buy Cuprinol at B & Q

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